The History and Symbolism of Ruby Engagement Rings

The History and Symbolism of Ruby Engagement Rings

Table Of Contents

Caring for Your Ruby Engagement Ring
    Tips for Maintaining the Beauty and Shine of Rubies
Celebrities and Royals with Ruby Engagement Rings
    Notable Figures Who Have Chosen Rubies for Their Engagements
Ruby Engagement Rings in Literature and Art
    Depictions of Rubies in Romantic Stories and Artworks
    What is the history behind ruby engagement rings?
    Are ruby engagement rings suitable for everyday wear?
    How can I care for my ruby engagement ring?
    Are there any famous celebrities or royals who have worn ruby engagement rings?
    Can rubies be incorporated into literature and art as symbols of love and passion?

Caring for Your Ruby Engagement Ring

When it comes to caring for your ruby engagement ring, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind to ensure its longevity and brilliance. Firstly, it is crucial to clean your ruby ring regularly but gently. Use a soft brush and mild soap to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated on the surface of the stone. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners that can damage the ruby or its setting.

In addition to regular cleaning, it is important to store your ruby engagement ring carefully when not wearing it. Store it in a separate compartment or pouch to prevent scratching or chipping. Avoid exposing your ruby ring to extreme temperatures or harsh environments, as this can affect the stone and its setting over time. By following these simple care tips, you can ensure that your ruby engagement ring remains as stunning as the day you first received it.

Tips for Maintaining the Beauty and Shine of Rubies

To keep your ruby engagement ring looking its best, regular cleaning is essential. You can gently clean your ruby ring at home by soaking it in warm, soapy water and then using a soft brush to remove any dirt or debris. After cleaning, be sure to rinse the ring thoroughly and dry it with a soft, lint-free cloth to prevent water spots. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage the ruby or its setting.

It's also important to store your ruby ring properly when it's not being worn. To prevent scratches and damage, store your ring in a soft pouch or jewellery box separate from other pieces. Avoid storing your ruby ring in direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as these can affect the colour and quality of the stone over time. Regular inspections by a professional jeweller can help identify any potential issues early on and ensure that your ruby engagement ring stays dazzling for years to come.

Celebrities and Royals with Ruby Engagement Rings

Throughout history, many celebrities and royals have chosen ruby engagement rings to symbolize their love and commitment. One iconic example is the stunning Burmese ruby ring given by Richard Burton to Elizabeth Taylor. This exceptional ring was a symbol of their passionate and tumultuous relationship, adding to the allure of rubies in the world of high-profile engagements.

Another notable figure who opted for a ruby engagement ring is Princess Margaret, the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II. Her ruby ring, featuring a beautiful cabochon-cut ruby surrounded by diamonds, is a timeless piece that exudes elegance and sophistication. The choice of a ruby for her engagement ring showcased her unique sense of style and individuality within the royal family.

Notable Figures Who Have Chosen Rubies for Their Engagements

Notable historical figures have long been captivated by the allure of ruby engagement rings. For instance, in 1923, American actress Mary Pickford received a stunning ruby and diamond engagement ring from her co-star and eventual husband, Douglas Fairbanks. The deep red hue of the ruby symbolised their fiery passion and enduring love for each other, making it a popular choice among the elite of the time.

Another iconic figure known for their choice of a ruby engagement ring is Elizabeth Taylor. Renowned for her love of luxury and extravagance, Taylor's third husband, Mike Todd, presented her with a magnificent ruby ring surrounded by diamonds. This vibrant choice exemplified Taylor's bold personality and her penchant for making a statement through her jewellery. The trend of opting for rubies in engagement rings continued to gain popularity following the influence of such notable figures in history.

Ruby Engagement Rings in Literature and Art

Literature and art have long celebrated the beauty and allure of ruby engagement rings. In various romantic stories and artworks, rubies have been used to symbolize passion, love, and desire. These vibrant gemstones have a rich history of being associated with strong emotions and deep connections between lovers, making them a popular choice for engagement rings that stand the test of time.

From classic novels to timeless paintings, rubies have been featured prominently as the focal point of romantic gestures and love stories. The deep red hue of rubies has been used to evoke themes of romance and devotion, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the portrayal of love in literature and art. Whether in the hands of fictional characters in novels or as the centerpiece of a painting capturing a tender moment, ruby engagement rings continue to hold a special place in the realm of creativity and expression.

Depictions of Rubies in Romantic Stories and Artworks

In many romantic stories and artworks, rubies are often depicted as symbols of passion, love, and power. These deep red gemstones are frequently used to represent intense emotions and fiery relationships between characters. Rubies' striking colour and vibrancy make them a popular choice in literature and art to convey themes of romance and desire.

Artists and authors have long been inspired by the symbolism of rubies, incorporating them into their works to enhance the mood and meaning of their creations. Whether adorning the hands of star-crossed lovers in a painting or being used as a central plot point in a novel, rubies add a touch of luxury and drama that captivates audiences. The allure of these precious gemstones in romantic stories and artworks continues to endure, evoking feelings of love and intrigue in those who admire them.


What is the history behind ruby engagement rings?

Rubies have been used in engagement rings for centuries, symbolising passion, love, and commitment. The rich red hue of rubies has long been associated with romance and emotion.

Are ruby engagement rings suitable for everyday wear?

Rubies are durable gemstones that rank 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making them suitable for daily wear. However, it is still important to care for your ruby engagement ring to maintain its beauty and shine.

How can I care for my ruby engagement ring?

To care for your ruby engagement ring, avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals, store it separately from other jewellery to prevent scratches, and clean it regularly with a soft cloth and mild soap to maintain its brilliance.

Are there any famous celebrities or royals who have worn ruby engagement rings?

Yes, several celebrities and royals, including Elizabeth Taylor, Princess Margaret, and Jessica Simpson, have been known to sport ruby engagement rings, adding to the allure and popularity of this gemstone choice.

Can rubies be incorporated into literature and art as symbols of love and passion?

Yes, rubies have been featured in various literary works and artworks as symbols of love, passion, and desire. Their vibrant red colour often represents intense emotions and romantic connections in stories and artistic depictions.

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